Tuesday, August 01, 2006


Posted by Picasa Trinidad was certainly an experience, especially "downtown" Port of Spain! Imagine your worst shopping experience and multiply it by 5! Also add the "sun" and "humidity" factors!

The boys enjoyed travelling in the "maxi taxis" , with their loud music playing and decorative interiors.

You can certainly learn alot from other cultures and countries and travelling is definately an education. Not having to deal with attourney's before in this capacity was an education in itself! You make an appointment and you still have to wait at least 3 hours to be seen! Bwoy this business trip was going to take it out of us.

Although it was different, we managed to get through.

Some aspects of "town" were enjoyable, especially the home cooked foods. I really enjoyed "doubles" although the boys had some reservations, especially my 6 year old. And a few glasses of mauby went down a treat!

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